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Completely new online inspection tool.

We are introducing a completely new online inspection tool.

After the successful launch of the new Android and iOS App last year, we are introducing the user experience of our App also to the web. With this introduction we are also upgrading our inspection platform to ensure that both online and mobile functionalities stay alligned. This will also integrate the inspection process for both mobile and online into one consistent work-flow.

We have a number of reasons for this development. Within Easy to Inspect, the Web (online) and the App (mobile/offline) inspections are now handled in two different work-flows also resulting in two different user experiences. As for the Web inspections, we have been working on improving the speed and performance of the inspections, but are limited by the approach and techniques chosen in the past. Besides, various customers requested that online inspections can no longer be edited after the inspection result is uploaded.

We therefore, have introduced a new Web inspection tool, the Web App. The Web App is identical in look and feel to the Android and iOS App.


Not-yet-complete results in the current online inspection environment must be completed no later than 1 September 2023, as they cannot be edited afterwards! These incomplete inspection results will be deleted from the database and cannot be restored/completed after 1 September 2023.

Incomplete inspections can be found via our website in the menu item ‘incomplete inspections’.

Web App

The new Web App is made available through our website: www.easytoinspect.com (via the menu, choose Web App), but also has its own URL: app.easytoinspect.com. Users can use their credentials for Easy to Inspect to authenticate for the Web App. Automatic secure authentication is available for users that are authenticated on www.easytoinspect.com (and access the Web App via the menu). Authentication to the app is revoked, if the user account to the platform is disabled or removed.

The new online App will work with the same work-flow as in the mobile App. The users will have a personal online inspection environment, were they can carry out inspections and archive the incompleted inspection results. Once the inspection is completed, the user must upload the inspection to our platform. The inspection result will be included in our database as a completed inspection result.

Available on your computer

As with the Mobile App, incomplete results are available on the user’s device only. All known internet browsers are set by default in such a way that your data remains available without any problems when you close the browser (and/or computer). However, we would like to warn you that if you manually delete browsing data, you may permanently lose your not-yet-completed inspection results. We therefore recommend that you read our explanation on our support site.

It is not possible to sync not-yet-completed inspections across multiple devices. A not yet completed inspection will only live on one device.

Other changes

As a regular user of our current online function, you must be aware after our system change, you can only edit your inspecton results in the web-app before uploading your inspection result. There, you can edit and revise your inspection, add photos, until you are satisfied. After uploading you can no longer modify the answers to the questions (key scores such as OK, Not OK, N.A., percentage scores etc.). Also adding photo’s is no longer possible after uploading the report to the database. It is only possible to correct text errors. So, editing a draft inspectionresult must be done entirely in the new Web App, until it is complete and can be uploaded.

As for the GPS location option this will not be available in the Web App. Since a reliable GPS location is not available when using desktops or laptops, this feature won’t be activated.