!!! New App – Previous version phases out March 31, 2022:
- To enable our changes, we had to develop a new version of our App. Although the previous version still works this will be phased out March 31. We recommend you to upload all inspection results and then remove the App from your device as soon as possible. Please install the new version of our App that is available in the App-stores. You have to login again. In case you lost your password, please go to easytoinspect.com and reset your password via the login menu.
New question types:
- Scoring with a percentage: We combine the OK/NOK/NA question type with a question of scoring with a percentage. This better suits 5S audits and other inspections. The score will be given based on a percentage scale which you can define yourself. You can also define the lower limit of OK-scoring. If the score during the inspection is too low, a non-conformity report will be generated automatically.
- Locator question: It will become possible to include a locator question for recording GPS locations with a time stamp.
Life simplifying changes:
- We will include the option to add a link to websites per questions which the inspector in the field can open for additional background information or instruction. Very useful for our clients with technical inspectors in the field. Of course, this feature only works when the inspector is online.
- An option will be offered to disable the automatic generation of non-conformity reports.
- It will be possible to indicate that an observed deviation is corrected immediately during the inspection. This will lead to more reliable inspection results. Furthermore, the nonconformity reports do not need any follow up later.
- Inspectors can mark entire sections of a checklist to be not applicable with one click again.
Report changes:
- We added subtle colour markings in the report, to highlight non-conformances.
- The administrator can choose more options of elements that must or must not be included in the report (such as question clarifications, photo’s).
Bug fixes and improvement of platform stability:
- We have used the upgrade of our system to eliminate some issues with login characters, photo display in nonconformity reports, etc.
- We are happy with an increasing use of Easy to Inspect. The increasing file size and intensity of system usage, caused some issues in the past 6 months that we resolved by modifying the internal process flow and our monitoring dashboard.
In case you have any question about the new features, don’t hesitate to contact us.